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Atoms are the starting point for studying organic chemistry. In our Chapter, we start by introducing the structure and components of an atom, covering protons, neutrons, and electrons. 

Once you gain an overview of an atom, we break down the orbitals that determine the position and occupancy of electrons.

Learning about Orbitals – s, p, d, and f is fundamental to understanding the electron position in an atom.

In the final Chapter, we teach how to rearrange electrons into two sets – reactive valence electrons and inert core electrons. 

For an Organic Reaction, differentiating between valence and core electrons is important for understanding the reactivity of an electron.

Chapter - Atom

  • Size of an atom- The world belongs to the tiniest!
  • Power of Protons
  • Mass Number
  • Average Atomic Mass
  • Molecule and Molecular Mass
  • The Electrons- An Atom’s Reactive Component
  • Atomic Orbitals- s, p, d, f
  • Filing of Atomic Orbitals and Writing Electronic Configuration
  • Valence and Core Electrons- How to Determine